So I got Bored of doing my original animation so im going to make a shorter one just for fun to test myself and my skill of animation im at. It'll just be 4 people in a room and 3 vs. 1. Hope you will like it, i should be done by today or early tomorrow :3 this one wont be 5 seconds long or less. I PROMISE.
EDIT: NO I will NOT stop working on my original project. Im still learning flash as a noob (Least i think i am) and the big project will probably start off shitty and get better as it goes.
Well good luck friend.
Sleknirk (Updated )
Thanks :D every little bit of support helps. :3 A bit confused about whether your the real yogscast or not, im actually watching some of those video's while responding
to this haha.
EDIT: Oh, it is. >.> *facepalm*